Home History Schedule

Church History

In October of 1966 Sister Ana Lawrence felt led of God to search for property and a building suitable for a church. For a couple of months Sunday School and services had been held in homes, and the small group of people were eager to help start a church with Sister Lawrence as its pastor. Later her daughter, Sister Emma Milam was made associate pastor. Sister Lawrence found the Prevette home-place at Sink Inn Road for sale and spoke with its owners who allowed services to begin on the property before the sale was actually finalized.

Cecil Lawrence and others gathered at the old home-place Saturday, Oct. 15th, working very hard and with much enthusiasm to prepare one of the front rooms serviceable for meetings. The porch, which extended across the front and one side of the house was swept and cleared of spider webs. That porch made an excellent greeting place for attendants.

October 16, 1966 was the first Sunday that services were held at this location. There were 20 in attendance in Sunday school with an offering of fifteen dollars and ninety-six cents. Sister Ann Shipton (Hewett) taught the children, Sister Milam taught the youth, and Sister Lawrence ministered to all. The work was established as a holiness church and for a while was called "Church of God Mission." So there would be no confusion or linking the work with already established organizations, the members chose "Meadowview Deliverance Tabernacle" for the name of the church when its charter was drawn up. There were eleven who became the church's first membership November 27, 1966.

Many souls have been led to God and established in faith. Sister Lawrence had a special drive to win to the Lord kids off the streets who were addicted to drugs and other evil influences. Then Sister Milam and Sister Susan Holland would teach them and others to sing, and they formed a youth choir, which they called "The Singing Evangelists." They in turn won others to the Lord. Many have come, grown up, moved away, or simply gone to other places, but all were deeply influenced by the Lord through this work.

A beautiful church building, fellowship hall, a mission house, and adjoining properties are evidence of the faithful leadership and workers who caught the vision of having a place to worship and work for God in the beauty of holiness.